Plant Magic Club
Sibling Add On
Sibling Add On
Please select the quantity to order based on the number of total boxes that you're ordering.
For example: Order a quantity of 3 if you're also purchasing a 3 Box Bundle. Order a quantity of 6 if you're purchasing a 6 Box Bundle, etc. Order 1 Sibling Add On if you are ordering a single box.
A great way for families with multiple children to participate (and save $)!
This is a sibling add on for a second child in one household.
This option cannot be ordered on its own without a complete box purchase.
The Sibling Add On includes all consumables and collectibles that can not be shared, including activity pages and projects. The apothecary/aromatherapy products will not be duplicated, as they can be shared.
The Sibling Add On ships with your box with no additional shipping charge.