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Plant Magic Club

Pine and Tiny Weavers

Pine and Tiny Weavers

Regular price $65.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 CAD
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Come explore aromatic pine as we travel the globe and find all the varieties, learning about folklore and traditional uses. We're also exploring some of our favorite tiny weavers - spiders, and the important role that they play in our natural world.

In this box:

1. Explore pine apothecary and aromatherapy

2. Make felt pine trees

3. Investigate different types of spider webs and what they mean

4. Create embroidery webs

5. Write about your pet spider

6. Discover folktales and myths about pines and spiders

7. Research Forestry

8. Map global native pine habitats

9. Write pine poetry

10. Learn about different types of weaving

11. Translate vocabulary into Spanish... And more!

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