Join Us As We Grow...

Join Us As We Grow...

Hi Plant Magic Club, 

Welcome to Our Garden!

In case anyone missed the promo for our awesome early subscribers...
Everyone who orders in our launch month, from July 1st-Aug. 1st, will be invited to join an exclusive event hosted by Plant Magic Club with the Education Director of Bat World Sanctuary
So you have a couple days left to subscribe if you haven't already!
The Zoom program will be on Wednesday, August 10th at 2pm PST, and our subscribers are invited to send in their bat questions ahead of time to me! Just email me by August 4th at with any questions you'd like answered during our Zoom call.
It's a unique opportunity to learn more about this fascinating animal, the only mammal with wings, and one of our key pollinator species who is critical in helping to take care of our plant world. Plus we'll get to meet some of the bats who live at the sanctuary. It will definitely be a memorable experience and we can't wait to see you there - so save the date!
In Other News...
By popular demand, we've added Sibling Add On options to our shop.
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram @plantmagicclub. Beginning in September, I'll be posting special First Friday Freebies just for our subscribers. They're my version of party favors and an extra thank you for being here...
Creating each Plant Magic Club Box is a labor of love and definitely feels like planning a party!
In the meantime, we're enjoying planting the English lavender seeds in our Lavender and Pollinators Box, and can't wait until you get yours too...
Thank you for joining us as we grow!
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